Parents can get involved with the PTA as little or as much as they choose. There’s so many different ways and levels to get involved and each way helps the children and the school thrive. Contributing digitally or assisting in person on committees or events are just some of the ways you can participate. Take a look below at some of the ways you can help out the PTA by scrolling though our submenu of options:


SHOP this is one the best ways to support the PTA.  Click the shop link and make a purchase.  Not only will you get a fabulous product, you will be helping the school and the kids at the same time!  Go shopping today!!


The Parent Teacher Association of P.S. 175 could not do it without financial donations and time contributions of family, friends, local businesses and you. Every little bit helps, do not be afraid to signup here to stay informed on our fundraising projects.

We understand that it is not always easy to find time, energy or finances to spare. However, every little bit goes right back to our students, teachers and community. We all want to help our children grow and thrive.

Contact us and let us know, as many hands make light work!

Online one-time and recurring payments are available here:

One Time Payment