Zoom info for tonight’s meeting has been dispatched to the Parents and Guardians PS175 email listing.
This last meeting of this school year will note the members of our school who are retiring this year.
We will present and vote upon a revised PTA budget for next school calendar year.
Finally, we can close the year with some positive reflection and discussion with the incoming PTA board, your hopes and expectations regarding school/PTA, etc.
Note that preparations are underway for Kindergarten Stepping Up and 8th Grade Graduation. Costs incurred and contributed by PTA are ~$550. If you are a member of these grades and are able to do so, please consider donating/defraying the costs of decorations via the link here: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=M6MXR5A9ZLTN2
With bittersweet reflection, we would like to thank and honor the upcoming retirees for PS175 and wish them well on the next phase of livelihood:
Lizanne Espina – Teacher
Debbie Condoluci – Paraprofessional
Felix Rios – Safety Officer
Congratulations and *Thank You* for educating and looking after our students, staff and school.
The incoming PTA board and I have discussed past budgets, and assessed where the PTA can help compliment the initiatives and budget of the school. Budget will be displayed at the meeting tonight, taking into account prospective fundraisers for the coming school year and current fund balances. The board is enthused and ready to make up for lost time that we experienced during the shutdown and pandemic. Please come tonight to vote the proposed budget into place.
New PTA Board
The last part of the meeting will entail talking to your new PTA board members. If you haven’t already had the chance, please join me in welcoming and congratulating:
Co-Presidents: Joann Cautillo & Melissa Rosado
Treasurer: Michelle Del Pozzo
Corresponding Secretary; Cheryl Riordan
Recording Secretary: Karen Esdelle
These names should already be very familiar to you as they all have been extensively involved in the PTA and community overall. However, they need *your* support to help all of our kids.
As I said before, your past and continued support has been really appreciated. Our children and school deserve nothing but the best. I am enthused to see what the incoming board has planned and intends to accomplish, and am grateful for their selflessness in continuing to support the school.
I can only hope that I have left things a little better off than I had found them and certainly hope you agree. If not, there’s always a way to get involved and support things as you see fit.
Best regards,
Kevin Fisher
Ongoing Fundraising
There is no substitute for direct contribution (as opposed to partial return from fundraising) as the best way to see that all monies raised make it to the PTA of PS175 (donate via link at cityislandpta.org). However, there are other CONSTANT fundraisers available as well:
Amazon Smile, 0.5% of all eligible Amazon orders placed through this gateway comes back to PS175 PTA: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/35-2400667
(we are already starting to receive trickling amounts of donations, but enough to register!)
BoxTops4Education.com – scan your grocery receipts, that turn into cash for the school here: https://www.boxtops4education.com/